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- Hello, 2022!
Hello, 2022!
Let's Kick It Into Gear
What a whirlwind of a week. Without getting into too many specifics, for the better part of the last week, we’ve had to deal with some positive COVID cases within the house. Thankfully, it must have been the Omicron variant as symptoms were that of a bad head cold. Everyone is doing better and I (somehow) officially tested negative yesterday. Admittedly, it’s given me a bit of an invincible feeling, but I’ll continue to mask up until we’ve got this under control (and forever at cons).
What’s New
The biggest push is that Starbird Media officially has its logo! I reached out to Francois, who has done logo work for both Mike and me for quite some time. I gave a bit of a tease last week, but let’s get into the nuts and bolts of this new logo. Let’s start with what I sent over to Francois as my request:
Good afternoon! Hope all is well with you. I’m probably another month or two out from needing this but wanted to get a quote for a logo. I’m forming an LLC and would need the logo with and without text, and the text on its own. The name of the company is Starbird Media, LLC and (without copyright infringement) would like to invoke a Star Wars/science fiction feel. I’ve included a picture of the Starbird insignia from Star Wars that inspired the name.
Thanks! All the best,
And this was the logo I sent over (a reminder, that I don’t own this image! It was just meant for some info).

While I love this logo for so many reasons, we couldn’t legally use it. Which is fine, I wanted Starbird Media to feel like Star Wars without straight-up stealing from it. After some back and forth about what I planned on doing with the company and what color scheme I wanted, we were off to the races! The first thing I got back from Francois was AMAZING.

LOVE IT. But this was more of a tease than anything else. Francois included something with a bit more meat to it, which is AMAZING. Now, if you follow us on Twitter or Venmo, you’ve seen a part of this logo.

I immediately fell in love with this look. Francois thought the badge gave it a military feel. Along with the Starbird, it gives off a sci-fi/space vibe for sure. I love how the text-only logo looks, but when it’s with the Starbird and badge, something was a bit off about it. Francois probably felt the same, as he mentioned trying the logo without the LLC and that was my immediate thought too.

You can see Francois added details to the badge that really make the whole logo pop. The previous one looked great, but his added details bring a sense of professionalism to the overall logo. You can see that not only did he nix the LLC from the badge logo (while keeping it in the text-only logo), he updated the font for “Media”. While the previous logo kept the same font as “Starbird”, the change here really brings the logo together.
To say I’m beyond happy with this logo is an understatement. I haven’t fully integrated the logo into the business as I was waiting to make the full reveal in this newsletter, but with the next few weeks, I’ll be getting everything set with this logo (or variations of it). Aside from The The Muppet Show Show and Single Player, the next big project is our website. I’ll be making a big push for that over the next month so that we can be up and running by February—I want to be able to offer pre-orders for a St. Patrick’s Day t-shirt drive to help fund some other projects.
This week, our newsletter is brought to you by a special project.

Recently featured on That’s Entertainment, D’Aprile’s Fools is the latest novel by my best friend, Mike (Michael) DeAngelo. It’s crazy that this thing exists… he’s written plenty of books for the world of Tellest that he created. But his latest story stems from an April Fools day joke. He took the concept of Bixby Alladocious, a hero with an odd power, and expanded upon it. Taken some inspiration from characters like Deadpool and members of The Suicide Squad, D’Aprile’s Fools asks if Frederic D’Aprile can turn fools into gold. Pick up your copy today!